Years 3 and 4
Welcome to Swifts Class.
Hello and welcome to Swifts! Our teacher is Miss Harrington and our teaching assistants are Mrs Buttigieg and Mrs Huckerby. Our classroom is bright, well-resourced and learning is always designed to be challenging but achievable. We also have a wonderful outdoor spaces near the school which we use to extend our learning, particularly in the spring and summer terms.
We enjoy mathematics and spelling grammar and punctuation within English lessons which are underpinned with high quality texts, every day. Our curriculum has subject specific learning and we are proud to incorporate the Primary Knowledge Curriculum resource in our teaching and this is sequenced carefully to ensure learning is linked to prior knowledge and that children have a chance to embed this in their long term memories. Music is taught through Sing up and using the local Inspiring Music resource for instrumental learning. We are always delighted to share some of our songs and achievements at our half termly assembly.
We have plenty of reading for pleasure books in the school and want children to share their reading book with you daily if possible. We love seeing your comments in their home school reading logs and want to make sure children become life-long readers.
We have two weekly PE lessons which are shared on Class Dojo on the class timetable, so please make sure the children come to school dressed in their PE kit on these days. Please ensure kit is in school at all times as sometimes we do extra PE sessions and participate in sports festivals. Also, please make sure children are in the correct kit - with no brightly coloured leggings or hoodies with logos on (other than the school one.
Our homework consists of weekly spellings and TT Rockstars (by the end of Year 4 all learners are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12).
Below you will find some planning documents so that you can see what we will be taught and our ‘Spelling Booklet’ for the current term so that you can support us at home.
Derwent and Southill Mathematics Strategies
As Year 4s, we take on lots of exciting roles of responsibility through our monitor jobs. We all get chance to be Sociable Swifts, helping others on the playground in a variety of ways. As we get to the end of the year, there are a series of transition events for Y4 as they prepare for the big step of moving to middle school. This will be the case for the next two academic years (up to summer 2025 at least).
Our timetable and yearly plan are below:
autumn term timetable 2023.pdf