Southill Primary School

"A caring, family school"

Reception and nursery Class

Welcome to Martins Class.

Martins’ Class is the home to our Early Years Foundation Stage provision.  Our Class Teacher is Mrs Read, who works closely with our HLTA Mrs Kingham.  Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Gooding and Mrs Fisher.

We are lucky to have a bright outdoor learning environment with a range of exciting areas.  Inside we have a large classroom with continuous provision for each area of learning.  There are whole class sessions; adult led group work and child initiated opportunities.  We are also lucky enough to have an environmental garden and wood close by where we go regularly to participate in ‘Outdoor Learning’. 

Each week we focus on a different story linked to our topic.  Our topics for this year are:

Autumn 1 – Marvellous Me

Autumn 2 – All Creatures Great and Small

Spring 1 – Out of this World

Spring 2 – Brilliant Buildings

Summer 1 – In the Garden

Summer 2 – Let’s Move

Whilst we do follow a topic for each half term, our driving force is the children’s interests and plans are adapted to accommodate these.  We have daily Phonics/English and Maths sessions.  Snack time is a social occasion where communication and language is a particular focus.  The children have a PE lesson every Friday afternoon and Golden Time at the end of the week.   

Our timetable and yearly plan are below:

autumn term timetable.pdf