Welcome to Southill Lower School
We are a Values-led School
We respect ourselves; We respect others; We respect the environment.
"Classrooms and corridors are filled with laughter" -
OFSTED report 2021
Southill Lower School is a warm, caring and supportive environment, in a special village environment.
I am delighted to welcome you to the school website which will give a good flavour of what we are doing and what we want to achieve for our children.
Our professional team led by Mrs. Sonya Read, works tirelessly to ensure children here are safe, happy and that their education is of the best quality. The curriculum, which is shared and supported by subject leaders across the federation, is challenging and follows a cohesive and coherent structure from EYFS to Y4. We continue to work to develop the learning offer in line with the best research led practice and we value the input and collaboration with parents through attendance and with homework, to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children.
We are focussed this year on extending the enrichment within the curriculum both in class and through outdoor learning. We use the environmental garden and pond area, the grassed spaces in the school grounds, the playpark and field and the local woods. This year we will also be visiting Southill Estates greenhouses and park grounds. We have links with our local church too and go there for Christmas events as well as at other key times during the year and all these combine to ensure that the school day, term and year are superb.
Our high expectations and excellent behaviour for learning mean that we have superb results, but in a unique setting with close links to Southill Estates and our local community. I know that all the children and parents who come to Southill find themselves wishing it was already a primary school and not wanting their children to leave.
Not only is the school excellent but our governors and the Friends of Southill Lower School (FoSL's) are always on hand to support and help with events including valuable fundraising. This school is an excellent example of how a small rural school can both provide warm, enriched days and achieve exceptional academic outcomes.
If you are thinking of applying for a place here, please contact Mrs. Lattimore in the school office to arrange a tour. We have some time put aside for parents of children starting school in September 25 to have a look round the school during the working day as well as a talk after work if that suits better. There is a Google Form to sign up for this on the link here.
Best Wishes,
Samantha Barlow, Executive Headteacher